4 Inspiring and Relatable Working Mom Podcasts

But here’s the thing, quitting or even starting over is one of the worst things you can do. Fortune,” by the Hitchhikers; the rest of the music this week was composed by  Luis Guerra. You can follow Freakonomics Radio on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. If you think about it, remote and hybrid work are a gigantic vote in favor of heterogeneity.

  • Parenting isn’t easy—and neither is navigating the overwhelming number of articles, audiobooks, blogs, and podcasts designed to educate, support, and guide you along the way.
  • What do we learn about motherhood simply from engaging with the media?
  • We support the modern working mom with inspiring stories and resources.
  • It becomes one more thing you “have” to do and it feels more like a chore rather than an intimate experience.
  • Different people have different appetites, preferences, needs, abilities.
  • Even better is how they address those differences – always respectfully, and without judgment.

So the space is there but it is deeply underused, as are a lot of offices in New York City. The city’s office space is still only about half occupied — way working from home podcast up from the depths of the pandemic, of course. It’s tempting (especially working from home!) to be super woman and cram all the things into little time.

How Not To F*ck Up Your Kids Too Bad (and Why You Should Relax About Parenting)

In this episode, Cara talks with Shannon Davis, founder of Thrive Remotely. They discuss the challenges of being a work-at-home mom, including feelings of isolation and the need for boundaries. https://remotemode.net/ This daily podcast, hosted by Dr. Portia Jackson, features interviews with today’s most successful and inspiring working moms—from CEOs and teachers to entrepreneurs and cashiers.

The youngest podcast to make this list, Vanderkam was inspired to start this podcast when so many workers found themselves working from home for the first time during COVID-19. This limited episode podcast started in 2018 and lasted through 2019 before stopping. At the time of compiling this post, there are 200 episodes, and yes, they are regularly being produced. Those of you who are new to remote work and working from home will likely find podcasts that cover the topic from every angle the most interesting. As someone who has spent years working remotely on my own projects, I feel like I’m in sync with the challenges remote and WFM workers face.

Real Estate as a Lasting Legacy

Many moms wear multiple hats and there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. She talks about the various struggles, including feeling isolated from others while being at home and not being able to create a boundary between work and home. Are you a busy working from home mom who needs some tips on balancing work and home life?

  • If you are like me you have a lot of time to drive and/or travel, whether for work or just in general.
  • If you liked this episode, please share it with your friends and family — that’s the single-best way to support the podcasts you love.
  • Here are some of our favorite podcasts that cover everything from motivation, to new information, and even sometimes the best kind of distraction.
  • If you are like many working moms, you probably want a “redo” or to start fresh this month or perhaps you’re even ready to quit.
  • I’m working on enjoying each season, and being open to things looking different next week or even the next day if I need to adjust something for my own sake or the good of my family.
  • She discusses how she manages her dreams and motherhood, how she keeps her priorities straight with a blooming business, and offers practical wisdom for a busy mom to grow in her relationship with God.

It turns out that the flex or hybrid model — a couple days at home, a few in the workplace — seems to boost employee happiness and productivity. In other words, Bloom wanted to test the hybrid-work model — a couple days at home, a couple days in the office. I asked whether these findings from one Chinese firm could be generalized to U.S. firms. In these early stages of a pregnancy, I’m being reminded more and more that I do not have to do all the things all the time. I’ve had multiple seasons where I’ve had to reevaluate my schedule, take steps away from things that didn’t fit the current season, and learn to say “no” more. Some days when Maeve wakes up from a nap, I find myself mourning what could have been done if she’d taken a longer nap.