What Is the DAX? Overview of Germany’s Stock Market Index

what is dax stock

In total, the companies listed in the DAX represent around 79 per cent of the German stock exchange value. For this reason, the DAX and its performance are also regarded as an indicator for the German share market as a whole. The German Stock Index is a total return index of 40 selected German blue chip stocks traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The equities use free float shares in the index calculation. The DAX has a base value of 1,000 as of December 31, 1987.

It’s a well-known fact that blue-chip stocks are mostly represented by German companies. First, you can buy a share of a mutual fund or a popular ETF (exchange-traded fund) that tracks the performance of DAX 40. This option is popular among investors, as fees are lower with most mutual funds and ETFs than when buying shares from a single company. First, you don’t need to wait for the price of an asset to increase.

  1. The DAX is often used as a barometer for the overall health of the German economy.
  2. It means that the companies with larger market cap have a bigger impact on the index performance.
  3. The increase was caused by the ECB policy of cheap money.

You can open both long and short trades depending on your price forecast. The idea of CFD trading is to predict the future asset’s price correctly and benefit from the difference between the opening and closing rates. The Xetra trading venue has been computing the index’s price every second since 2006, meaning https://www.forexbox.info/ investors can track its movements closely. The companies listed in the DAX are multinational companies that influence the German domestic economy and the global economy. The DAX 40 is an important benchmark for investors. It is worth keeping an eye on its movements if you are looking to invest in Germany.

In today’s article, we are going to provide a detailed look at what the DAX 40 represents, its history, how it’s calculated, and why it’s a popular asset to trade. In order to be included in the DAX, a company must fulfill certain criteria. For example, shares must be listed in the Prime Standard of the Deutsche Börse. In this exchange segment, companies must meet specific international transparency requirements.

Former DAX components

For example, Bayer AG is a pharmaceutical and consumer health company founded in 1863 and is well-known for its pain and allergy-relief products. Allianz SE is a global financial services company that focuses on providing customers with insurance and asset management products. Adidas AG develops, manufactures, and markets popular athletic footwear, apparel, and equipment. It serves as a barometer of the economic health of the German economy. Although it’s highly expensive, it attracts both traders and investors.

what is dax stock

The DAX 30 index was first published on July 1, 1988, with a starting level of 1,163 points. The first dramatic plunge occurred on October 16, 1989. The DAX index lost around 13% within one day due to the stock market crash on Wall Street. However, the overall market trend was bullish and lasted until March 2000.

Understanding the DAX Stock Index

By March 9, 2009, the index had lost over 56% since its maximum recorded value on July 13, 2007.

what is dax stock

Moreover, it will be too expensive to buy shares of all 40 corporations included in the index. After that, the index experienced a long-term downtrend. A fade in enthusiasm for technology stocks led the index to the lowest levels seen since late 1995. However, the recovery of the global economy increased investors’ confidence and pushed the index up. In Summer 2007, the index surged to a record high of 8,000 points. When trading CFDs, you don’t own real assets; you speculate on the price difference.

The DAX index, which tracks 40 large and actively traded German companies, is considered by many analysts to be a gauge for Germany’s economic health. The companies listed in the DAX are multinational concerns that influence the domestic German economy and the global economy as well. The index value depends on clear factors that allow traders to predict its price direction. Still, it’s one of the most stable financial instruments, as it mostly consists of German corporations.

You can buy and sell according to the current market conditions. Although leverage trading bears risks of higher money loss, it allows trading an asset with limited funds. As the price of DAX 40 is around 13,000, it may be challenging to enter the market without a loan. The DAX was created in 1988 with a starting index level of 1,163 points. DAX member companies represent roughly 80% of the aggregate market capitalization that trades on the Frankfurt Exchange. The index was historically comprised of 30 companies but was expanded to 40 as of Sept. 3, 2021.

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Germany’s DAX 40 Index is a key barometer of the performance of the country’s largest companies. It was launched in 1988 on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the predecessor of the Deutsche https://www.day-trading.info/ Boerse. It should be noted that the Deutsche Boerse itself is now listed on the DAX index. DAX 40 tracks the 40 most liquid and largest German companies in terms of market cap.

How to Trade DAX 40

NAGA Global (CY) Ltd is wholly owned by The NAGA Group AG. Another all-time high was reached on June 5, 2014, when the index rose above 10,000. The increase was caused by the ECB policy of cheap money. Afterward, the index set a new maximum in 2015 when the central bank decided to print even more money. At the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, the index hit new highs.

Germany Stock Market Index: DAX 40 Overview

The prices used to calculate the DAX Index come through Xetra, an electronic trading system. A free-float methodology is used to calculate the index weightings along with a measure of the average trading volume. It is the most important https://www.topforexnews.org/ benchmark index in Germany and one of the most followed indices in Europe. The DAX is often used as a barometer for the overall health of the German economy. The companies in the DAX index span a wide range of industries.

For example, the companies must present regular quarterly reports and annual financial statements as well as hold an annual analyst conference. In addition, ad hoc reports must be published in German and English. As a blue-chip stock market index, the DAX is very similar to the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), which also tracks large, publicly owned companies. If you want to trade the DAX, then there are three different ways. You can trade either DAX 40, DAX 40 futures, or an ETF that includes DAX stocks. Such an ETF will mirror the performance of the original DAX 40 index.